Wallet loader

In this section we will make a wallet loader that uses a storage service. The storage service will be used to save and load the wallet state.

We will show two different ways to achieve this.

Calling getWalletService

import { WalletService, Environments } from "@peersyst/ckb-wallet-sdk";
import { mainnetConnection, testnetConnection } from "./network-connections";
import { saveWalletState, loadWalletInfo } from "./storage-service";

export function loadWallet(walletId: number): WalletService {
    const { mnemonic, walletState, environment } = loadWalletInfo(walletId);
    if (environment === Environments.Mainnet) {
        const wallet = new WalletService(mainnetConnection, mnemonic, walletState);
        return wallet;
    const wallet = new WalletService(testnetConnection, mnemonic, walletState);
    return wallet;

export function saveWallet(walletId: number, wallet: WalletService): void {
    const walletState = wallet.getWalletState();
    saveWalletState(walletId, walletState);

The function saveWallet should be called when the app closes.

With onSync

import { WalletService, Environments, WalletState, Logger } from "@peersyst/ckb-wallet-sdk";
import { mainnetConnection, testnetConnection } from "./network-connections";
import { saveWalletState, loadWalletInfo } from "./storage-service";

export function loadWallet(walletId: number): WalletService {
    const { mnemonic, walletState, environment } = loadWalletInfo(walletId);
    const onSync = (walletFState: WalletState) => {
        Logger.log("New wallet state");
        saveWalletState(walletId, walletFState);
    const onSyncStarts = () => {
        Logger.log("Synchronization started");
    if (environment === Environments.Mainnet) {
        const wallet = new WalletService(mainnetConnection, mnemonic, walletState, onSync, onSyncStarts);
        return wallet;
    const wallet = new WalletService(testnetConnection, mnemonic, walletState, onSync, onSyncStarts);
    return wallet;

Latest wallet state will be saved automatically after every synchronization.

OnSyncStarts is called every time a synchronization starts. May be useful on apps to show the user a synchronization is executing.

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