In this chapter we will see the ckb related methods. This includes the creating ckb transactions and getting ckb balance.
Relevant types
exportenumFeeRate { SLOW =1000, NORMAL =100000, FAST =10000000,}exportinterfaceCKBBalance { totalBalance:number; occupiedBalance:number; freeBalance:number;}
// Sends a transaction from a single account// Returns the transaction hashasync sendTransactionSingleAccount( amount: bigint, mnemo: string, to: string, accountId: number, feeRate: FeeRate =FeeRate.NORMAL,): Promise<string>;// Sends a transaction from all the accounts in the wallet// Returns the transaction hashasync sendTransaction( amount: bigint, mnemo: string, to: string, feeRate: FeeRate =FeeRate.NORMAL,): Promise<string>;// Gets the ckb balance of a single accountasync getCKBBalanceFromAccount( accountId =0, addressType: AddressType =AddressType.Receiving,): Promise<CKBBalance>;// Get the ckb balance of the wallet// Should be synchronized firstgetCKBBalance(): CKBBalance;