DAO methods
In this chapter we have all the methods related to DAO in the WalletService.
Relevant types
export enum FeeRate {
SLOW = 1000,
NORMAL = 100000,
FAST = 10000000,
export interface DAOStatistics {
maximumWithdraw: bigint;
daoEarliestSince: bigint;
export interface DAOBalance {
daoDeposit: number;
daoCompensation: number;
export interface DAOUnlockableAmount {
type: "deposit" | "withdraw";
amount: bigint;
compensation: bigint;
unlockable: boolean;
remainingCycleMinutes: number;
remainingEpochs: number;
txHash: string;
export enum DAOCellType {
DEPOSIT = "deposit",
WITHDRAW = "withdraw",
ALL = "all",
// Deposits in the DAO from a single account
// Returns the hash of the transaction
async depositInDAOSingleAccount(
amount: bigint,
mnemo: string,
accountId = 0,
feeRate: FeeRate = FeeRate.NORMAL,
): Promise<string>;
// Deposits in DAO from all the accounts with enough balance
// Returns the hash of the transaction
async depositInDAO(
amount: bigint,
mnemo: string,
feeRate: FeeRate = FeeRate.NORMAL,
): Promise<string>;
// Gets DAO unlockable amounts from a single account
async getDAOUnlockableAmountsFromAccount(
accountId = 0,
addressType: AddressType = AddressType.Receiving,
): Promise<DAOUnlockableAmount[]>;
// Gets DAO unlockable amounts from the whole wallet
// Should be synchronized first
async getDAOUnlockableAmounts(): Promise<DAOUnlockableAmount[]>;
// Withdraws or unlocks an unlockable amount
// Returns the hash of the transaction
async withdrawOrUnlock(
unlockableAmount: DAOUnlockableAmount,
mnemonic: string,
feeRate: FeeRate = FeeRate.NORMAL,
): Promise<string>;
// Gets DAO statistic from a single account
async getDAOStatisticsFromAccount(
accountId = 0,
addressType: AddressType = AddressType.Receiving,
): Promise<DAOStatistics>;
// Gets DAO statistic from the whole wallet
// Should be synchronized first
async getDAOStatistics(): Promise<DAOStatistics>;
// Get DAO balance from a single account
async getDAOBalanceFromAccount(
accountId = 0,
addressType: AddressType = AddressType.Receiving,
): Promise<DAOBalance>;
// Get DAO balance from the whole wallet
// Should be synchronized first
async getDAOBalance(): Promise<DAOBalance>;
Last updated