Stake NEAR to earn rewards
In this tutorial will show how to start earning rewards with NEAR Mobile
Last updated
In this tutorial will show how to start earning rewards with NEAR Mobile
Last updated
Go to the Staking tab and tap on Stake my tokens
Enter the amount you want to stake and tap on Next
Select a validator and tap on Next
Enter your PIN or use biometric authentication
Wait for a few moments until the transaction is completed.
The unstaking process period in the NEAR Blockchain is approximately 36-48 hours (2-3 epochs). Once you click on unstake you will have to wait for this period until you see the withdraw button
Go to the Staking tab and tap on Unstake
Select the validator from which you want to unstake
Enter the amount to unstake or tap on Max if you prefer and tap on Next
Confirm by taping on Next
Enter your PIN or use biometric authentication
Your transaction is complete
You have to wait 2-3 epochs until you can withdraw the funds. During this period you will see your previously staked amount as pending release
Once you see the withdraw button tap on it and your NEAR will be back to your account